

Our All-Sufficient Saviour

Hebrews 2:16-18 Blood, Savior, Sin, Sufficient, Hebrews 1959 - 1960, 1959, Hebrews
...without that cross, there is no expiation of sin. Without the sacrifice, there is no washing away of our guilt; however blameless and holy His life might have been, we are still in our sins without the expiation, without the atonement, without the cross, without the shedding of blood [Hebrews...

Sign of the Virgin Birth

Isaiah 7:14 Ahaz, Virgin Birth, Isaiah 1975 - 1976, 1975, Isaiah
...kings that you are afraid of will be dead. No need to fear them. They’re fag ends, tag ends, of burned-out sticks.” Did that come to pass? Within three years, Rezin, king of Syria, had been slain by Tiglath-Pileser [2 Kings 16:9], and within that same period of time, Pekah,...